rotating-slider-imagesI’m certain you’ve run over handful, if not several hundred image sliders on websites across the web, sort of – these things have become standard on most of the websites. You may even like them but be aware that they in fact are lowering your conversion rate instead of increasing it!

So in the event that they’re not successful, why do people tend to use them?

A few individuals believe they’re cool and look good. Be that as it may, from being cool does not bring you profit. Another reason is that distinctive offices and directors need to get their message out and believe that it’s a good idea to do that on the landing page. Well, its not!


Maybe the best proof of this is the test that Notre Dame university did and came out with the following results:

Only the first image in the slider got some action and the click through rate was around 1%, and other slides got less than 1% CTR.

Talking in consideration that the slider is something that covers 70% or more of the page this is a total bust!

Should I use a slider on my website? Here are just a few reasons why you shouldn’t:

  1. Human eye reacts to the motion which rotating slider uses

Our brain has 3 layers, the most established part is the one we impart even to reptiles. It’s for the most part worried about survival. A sudden change could be an immeasurably significant issue. Subsequently human eye responds to movement– including always moving picture sliders and merry-go rounds.

That is awesome, right?

Unless the picture slider is the main thing on your site, it’s not something to be thankful for. It implies it takes away visitor attention from everything else – the stuff that really matters. Like your worth recommendation and content on your website.

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  1. Banner blindness

I’m sure that you heard of this expression: ”Banner blindness”. When was the last time you clicked on some ad? Ask yourself will your visitors click on every banner that you serve them. OK, sure even I click on a banner from time to time as most of you but the real truth is that you have to have a big audience that goes through your website regularly to earn something noticeable from those who click from time to time on the ads and banners that are shown to them.

Let the visitor be in control of the content

If you even implement a rotating image slider on your website let the visitor decide what he sees. Add an extra slide or two at most and if the visitor wants to see them put them in a position where he can navigate between them, and give him the feel he controls the content.

So what should I do?

If you want to have a big noticeable image on the home page, I suggest that you add one image which is static and has a noticeable tagline or the message that you want to send to your visitors (special offers, new collections, etc.).

My personal opinion is that rotating slider images aren’t going away from the websites any time soon. They are still going to hang in there, eat our CPU’s as they use hungry java scripts and as they sadly became a web standard it will be very difficult to get rid of them any time soon. So use the best of them and constantly work with your visitors and try sending them the right message at least through the first image slide that pops out or even disabling the automatic transition between the slides.

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